

Doing Things Differently.

We believe the products you use should give you everything you need….and nothing you don’t.

100% natural and organic, always

We’re all for a game of hide and seek, but not when it comes to what we put on our skin. So you’ll find absolutely nothing artificial hidden in our products.

That means no nasty preservatives, synthetic chemicals, fragrances, colours, fillers, silicones, alcohol… (we could go on - there are thousands)

Our commitment means all our plant-based ingredients are Soil Association Certified, never compromised, and full of the highest quality nutrients for your body.

We're fragrance free, because (some) things are better in the nude

We don’t alter the look, smell or feel of our products. They do their best work naked - perfectly balanced with the right vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties to support your skin in its hour of need.

As a brand built on personal experience, we’ve chosen to keep our products essential oil free. During pregnancy and motherhood many women experience sensitive skin, and unnecessary essential oils can cause skin irritation. You could do without that. So all our products do too.

Certified vegan and cruelty-free

We’re vegan certified, so you won’t find a single animal by-product in the entire NESSA range.

No ingredients, or final products, have been tested on any animals. Cruel to be kind is not a phrase we credit.

Our eco-friendly pledge

We’re passionate about making more sustainable choices – about working harder for the environment, not against it.

In an industry fraught with bad practises, we’re striving for better standards. This starts with leading by example.

That’s why we only use packaging, glass bottles and jars which can be fully recycled. We also carefully select locally-sourced, recyclable packaging components which use the least amount of plastic.

Made in the UK

There’s no reason for the products you put on your skin to be a seasoned traveler. We believe in local, and are proud to source, manufacture and distribute in the UK.

Being an independent brand, with everything we need on our doorstep, means we have close working relationships with our suppliers, and can ensure their values are exactly in line with our own.