Breast Saviour

Why are there little white specks in my Breast Saviour?

Those little specs are just natural plant butters, which solidify when they get cold. Gently warm the balms between your fingers and the little specs will melt away. These specs do not affect the product's efficacy or performance. Products made with organic ingredients may vary in appearance.

Why has my balm become very soft?

Please note that due to the delicate & organic nature of our formulations, Breast & Scar Saviour may soften or liquify slightly while in transit during the summer. This is completely normal and does not affect the product's efficacy or performance.

Do I need to wash the Breast Saviour off my breasts before breastfeeding?

No, it's 100% safe for both you and your baby.

How quickly will Breast Saviour take to work on the sore area?

Breast Saviour contains anti-infection properties and will provide immediate hydrating and relief, and will start the healing process straight away.

Can I use Breast Saviour on my baby?

YES! Breast Saviour is 100% safe for your newborn baby, it acts as great barrier cream for bottoms, cheeks, and any dry skin baby might have.

Victory Oil

Why are there little white specks in my Victory Oil?

Those little specs are the organic Coconut Oil. These specs do not affect the product's efficacy or performance. Products made with organic ingredients may vary in appearance.

Is there anything else I can use Victory Oil for?

Yes! It is a wonderful body oil for you and baby! Some mothers even use it as a face oil.

Does Victory Oil disrupt PH levels?

No, it is perfectly suited and tested not to disturb your natural ph levels

Can I use Victory Oil after shaving / waxing / laser?

Yes! it is great after a shave, wax, laser, it has soothing properties to help calm the skin.

Can I use Victory Oil on my baby?

YES! But if you are unsure always check with your doctor or midwife.

Is Victory Oil used internally or externally?

Vagina Victory Oil is safe to use externally, and inserted 1 inch or less into the vaginal opening known as the introitus if you are experiencing discomfort there. 

What is the best treatment for vaginal dryness?

There are many natural remedies you can try to help relieve symptoms, including; increasing intake of water, eating more foods with fatty acids, and regularly doing pelvic floor exercises. For treatments, there are many natural oils you can use, we recommend oils that are 100% natural and fragrance-free to help lubrication.

Can I just use coconut oil for vaginal dryness?

You can use coconut oil as a treatment for a dry vagina; it’s generally considered safe and effective for use on the external areas of the vagina. We would advise you to only use a small amount of this a few times a week. Its moisturizing properties may provide relief for women going through menopause, however other natural oils and remedies can be just as effective.

Can you put Vitamin E oil on your vagina?

Yes, Vitamin E oil can be safely applied to the vagina to help soothe the vaginal lining and help lubrication, soreness provide relief. Vitamin E is completely natural and is found in many natural oils and whole foods. Our Vagina Victory Oil contains this powerful remedy as part of the formula!

Scar Saviour

Why are there little white specks in my Scar Saviour?

Those little specs are just natural plant butters, which solidify when they get cold. Gently warm the balms between your fingers and the little specs will melt away. These specs do not affect the product's efficacy or performance. Products made with organic ingredients may vary in appearance.

Why has my balm become very soft?

Please note that due to the delicate & organic nature of our formulations, Breast & Scar Saviour may soften or liquify slightly while in transit during the summer. This is completely normal and does not affect the product's efficacy or performance.

Can Scar Saviour be used on other parts of my body?

Yes! Scar Saviour is a treat for skin which shows any redness, irritation, or break outs. It can also help reduce thread veins, can help protect against varicose veins. It is a treat for pregnancy breakouts on your face & body.

What else can I use Scar Saviour for?

Check out all our other uses on our product page.

How long do I need to wait after my C-section / surgery to use Scar Saviour?

We recommend waiting until after your 6 week check up. Ensure that the wound is healed, and there are no openings. You can start using the balm earlier on the surrounding skin if it is dry and itchy. 

When can I begin scar massage?

We recommend that you wait for your 6 week check up

Is Scar Saviour safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Yes! All our products are 100% safe during pregnancy & breastfeeding

What are the best ways to reduce Stretch Marks & C-section scars?

Oils/Balms/Creams: These formulas like our Scar Saviour will nourish and hydrate your scar tissue, helping to heal the effects over time with frequent applications.

Massaging: Scar massage is an effective way to decrease scar tissue build-up, especially in the early stages. Try massaging with our Scar Saviour 2-3 times a day for around 5 minutes.

Hydration: This goes hand in hand with the two previous points, hydrating your scar tissue is vital, scar tissue is known for losing moisture and the way to tackle this is through hydration, through massaging balms/oils/creams and also keeping yourself fully hydrated.

How to look after C-section scars?

In the early days, gently clean and dry the wound every day.

Wear loose, comfortable clothes and cotton underwear

Take a painkiller if the wound is sore – for most women, it's better to take paracetamol or ibuprofen (but not aspirin) whilst breastfeeding

Try regular gentle exercise like a daily stroll, this will get your blood pumping and reduce the risk of blood clots. Keep your diet as healthy as possible to give your body the right vitamins and minerals to help recover.

Lastly, massage Scar Saviour into your C-section wound (from 6 weeks post-op). Do this daily to help fight the effects of long term scarring.

Why does my C-section scar hurt years later?

You may experience abdominal pain years after your C-section. This is very normal, what you are experiencing is the regeneration of nerve endings. In the early stages, scar tissue isn’t necessarily painful, this is because of damage done to nerves in the same area, this sensation is called endometriosis.

Massage will reduce pain and tightness around your scars even years after.


Menopause Capsule

I’m taking HRT. Can I take THE MENOPAUSEL CAPSULE as well?

The Menopause Capsule has been designed to provide a strong nutritional base for your body and mind. Without knowing your story, and full medical history, there may be ingredients you need to evaluate before adding The Menopause Capsule to your daily routine.

We recommend checking our ingredient list for allergens, and safety guidelines, and talk to your healthcare provider before purchasing if you have any concerns or questions.

How soon will I see improvements?

Most women see a difference in 6-12 weeks. But everybody is different. And how you live, plus outside factors play a huge part in how you transition through menopause. We recommend 3 months as a starting point to see a real difference.

Can I take other supplements while taking the Menopause Capsule?

Yes, all our supplements are designed to be used together. The Menopause Capsule is designed to deliver a complete nutritional boost for the three bio-chemical stages of menopause. The one additional supplement you may want to consider or continue, is a good high dose source of Omega-3.

Can I take this product with my prescription medicines?

It may depend on which medicine(s) you are taking. If in doubt, please consult your healthcare provider.

Can I take this product with other vitamins?


Can I take your supplement if pregnant or breast-feeding?

The Menopause Capsule is designed to support hormonal changes associated with the menopause, and are not advised during pregnancy or breastfeeding.



Are all of your products really organic?

Many products claim to be natural or organic, but how can you tell? Here at NAYDAYA we disclose all our ingredients on each product page so you know exactly what you are putting on your skin. Our products are entirely clean, organic, vegan, fragrance free.

But what does ‘organic’ really mean?

It means that the plant was grown with respect for the earth, the soil, the farmer and you, the consumer. Certified organic farms adhere to strict standards, growing crops without the use of harmful pesticides or the usual dose of toxic chemical fertilizers. Manufacturers of certified organic products have to undertake a monumental process that assures consumers of the purity of each ingredient, process and final product, through every stage of manufacture.

Do you use artificial fragrances, SLS, parabens, or synthetic preservatives?

No, and we never have. Read more about our ingredient values here. All NAYDAYA products are free from worrisome ingredients, like artificial preservatives, fragrance, surfactants, emulsifiers, sulfates, parabens, antibacterial chemicals, nut oils and lanolin too.

Lanolin? What’s wrong with that?

Some mamas have concerns about wool allergies and pesticide exposure with lanolin, and we strive to make sure NAYDAYA products are as worry-free as possible.

If you don't use synthetic preservatives, what do you use to preserve your products to make sure they are safe and free of bacteria and mould?

NAYDAYA's salves and oils do not contain water so they don't need a preservative to keep them fresh and free from bacteria and mould.

I have an expired product - will it hurt me, or my baby?

The period after opening date on all of our products is a freshness guide for our resellers and customers, but this isn't an expiration date. That said, you should always use your own best judgment, if it smells "off," don't use it. You can extend the life of oils and salves by making certain they stay cool and out of direct sunlight.

I need to know if your products will irritate my or my baby's allergies.

You are the best judge of what is safe for you and your baby. Please look at the ingredients lists to see if any of your known allergens are in our products. If you have specific questions or concerns about product safety, allergies or ingredients, it is always best to consult with your Midwife or Doctor who is knowledgeable about the use of herbs during pregnancy and when breastfeeding a baby.