10 Things We'd Rather Do This Valentines Day


Does Valentine’s Day get you in the mood? Surprisingly, less babies are conceived on February 14th than you might think. November 7th is the most likely birthday for babies conceived on Valentine’s Day, and that’s only the 120th most popular birthday date. Maybe it’s the mildly terrifying image of a winged baby shooting arrows left, right and centre?

Frankly, we don’t blame you for giving Valentine's romping a wide berth. As a mum, there’s always a worry that a little one might walk in. Plus, when every crevice of the house is littered with lego, the ambiance doesn’t feel too sexy.

As boss-mummas, here’s ten things we’d rather do on February 14th than squeeze our tender boobs into a balconette bra:


  1. Get into jammies at 6pm 

Is there anything kinder on tender skin than the comfort of flannel pyjamies? Lace and structure looks divine, but when your boobs feel like a pair of swollen watermelons, that’s not always a feasible option.


  1. Snuggle into bed the same time as your baby 

Exhausted from a long day nursing, pumping and generally being a boss-mumma?  Why not treat yourself to an early night with your little one? Everyone loves an early bedtime.


  1. Treat yourself to a grown up play date 

That’s right, adults can have play dates, too, and sex isn’t the only way to bond with your loved one on Valentine’s Day. If you’re lucky enough to have a babysitter at hand, why not try have a fun date at the bowling alley or crazy golf course. If you do fancy some love-time later, a fun activity can help you get in the mood by lowering your inhibitions a little.


  1. Vanilla cheesecake 



  1. Have quality time with girlfriends 

Galentine’s Day is a modern phenomenon that we’re absolutely loving. It’s not reserved for the single gals ready to hit the town, either. Grab some girlfriends, get the wine in and throw on a Bridget Jones whilst your bubba’s in bed. That’s a lot of love under one roof - perfect.


  1. Cuddling on the sofa with all the blankets 

The most underrated form of contact, are we right? Cuddles are a beautiful thing. Not only do they provide warmth and comfort, but they are also good for your health. Just like sex, cuddling makes your brain release the love hormone: oxytocin. As well as being a big player in labour, oxytocin can help reduce stress and anxiety.


  1. Wearing bloody comfortable undies 

Tight, itchy underwear? Thanks but no thanks. If anyone’s in tune to the power of cotton underwear it’s a new mum. That doesn’t mean you need to wear Bridget Jones pants (there’s a theme here, can you tell we’re fans?), just something that’s a bit gentler on your delicate downstairs.


  1. A NAYDAYA massage 

Hello V-Day! Whether you’re having intimate time with your loved one or just pampering your beautiful body, NAYDAYA’s balms and oils are a treat for busy mummas. Our Victory Oil treats your most delicate area to some soothing TLC. If you’re going for full-body pampering, Breast Saviour is perfect for soothing tired boobs, so take a moment to appreciate your magical self.


  1. A long beauty bath 

We don’t mean a quick swill down after putting the kids to bed. Cash in on that overdue favour from your mate to look after the little ones, and take that extra half an hour to treat yourself to the full works, wine and all. Run a bubble bath, grab an indulgent read and let the heat take care of your muscles.


  1. Great, regular sex 

Sex is wonderful without all the bells and whistles. If you’ve only got fifteen minutes before the kids get up, there’s no need to spend a lifetime trying to attach and straighten out suspenders. Whether you want to have sex with your pyjama top on or get laced up to the nines, enjoy Valentine’s Day your way.