Why Menopause Matters Now: A Menopause Guide for all Women

Millions of women are unsupported during the menopause. We've created a free Perimenopause and Menopause Guide to combat this.

Can you remember the day the ‘Tampax Lady’ came to school? Girls were sectioned into one room and given a tampon box, and well… we never did find out what the boys did. We digress! The point is every girl remembers ‘that talk’, no matter how insufficient it may have been. 
So why is it, when the next transition in our menstrual life comes along – also known as menopause – it’s so poorly supported? Where are the educational chats, menopause guide books in the post, and a complementary wet towel for a hot flush or two? Nowhere to be seen. Women in perimenopause and menopause must actively seek information out, and often feel unsupported by healthcare professionals.
A staggering 5.87 million women of menopausal and premenopausal age are currently working in the UK. 1 million are likely to quit their jobs owing to inadequate menopausal support. It shouldn’t be this way and Menopause Mandate is just one organisation petitioning for better education.
nessa perimenopause and menopause guide

Why menopause matters

There are approximately 50 menopause symptoms that can affect women. Left untreated, these can have a detrimental effect on quality of life for women. But menopause symptoms can go further than the physical effects. There’s also the emotional and psychological impact this can have, as well as anxiety around health. Let’s take a closer look.

The psychological impact of menopause

The majority of women (75%) will experience menopause symptoms, yet many will go undiagnosed, especially since symptoms can last for several years.
The British Menopause Society (BMS) reports that accessing appropriate advice on the wide range of menopause symptoms is problematic, especially as many of these symptoms may overlap with other conditions, such as hot flushes and night sweats.
But there are other, less publicised conditions, that many women struggle with; unbeknownst to them as side-effects of the menopause. These include; tiredness, anxiety, poor memory, low mood, poor concentration and brain fog, to name a few. So many women believe they have early onset dementia because they don't realise brain fog is a common menopause symptom.
BMS said: “Many women may experience troublesome symptoms related to the menopause for a number of years. This can have a detrimental impact on their quality of life, wellbeing and may also have a significant impact on their personal relationships and work.”
They, like many other women and campaigners believe that:
  • Women should be encouraged to seek help for managing menopause symptoms, as well as receive adequate information to help them navigate the transition.
  • Healthcare professionals, specifically GPs, should be offered more knowledge around where to signpost women for support and advice.
  • More information around HRT, as well as lifestyle factors should be provided.
  • Greater awareness around health and cardiovascular health in relation to menopause.
Let’s talk mental health a moment. Evidence suggests that menopause can exasperate certain conditions such as bipolar, and it’s common to experience mood changes, similar to PMS. So, it’s no surprise that 70% of women experience some sort of mental health impact during menopause. As well as impacting your physical self, this can take its toll on work life too.
The BMS found that nearly half of women going through menopause felt it had a negative impact on their work, yet many couldn’t discuss taking time off with their employers.

Re-thinking the menopause 

Thankfully as we enter a new era, change is starting to happen. Very recently, many organisations have updated their policies to be more inclusive and supportive to women with menopause symptoms. Businesses such as Royal Mail, BBC and TSB are just a few who have signed a Menopause Workplace Pledge to support menopausal women.
We are also talking more openly about menopause as a nation, supported by numerous documentaries and news features in the press in recent months
nessa perimenopause guide

NAYDAYA Perimenopause and Menopause Guide

The above findings corroborate with our own research. Menopause matters to us and our wonderful community. We are passionate about creating an honest, supportive and inclusive community for women, as we grow in this journey of womanhood together. Since we design and evolve products for women, we decided to delve deeper into it. We asked hundreds of women to share their experiences with us, and this is what we found:
  • 63% felt unsupported by their healthcare professionals
  • 80% feel that available advice and treatment is poor
  • 49% could benefit from free educational menopause resources
As a result of this, we have developed a free downloadable Perimenopause and Menopause Guide, to help navigate this transitional time. Whether you’re perimenopausal, or going through the menopause, you’ll find a wealth of helpful, professional and insightful information that will enable you to live your best life.
Your free Perimenopause and Menopause guide includes:
✔️ The Science of Menopause
✔️ Common Symptoms and Diagnosing Menopause
✔️ Hormone Replacement Therapy and Alternative Treatments
✔️ Exercise, Nutrition and Supplements
✔️ Sex and Relationships during Menopause
✔️ Long-Term Health
✔️ Early Menopause
✔️ Navigating Menopause in the Workplace
✔️ Skincare during Menopause
Click here to download your guide.
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