Perineal Massage Tips - PRE & POST BABY

Pregnancy & Childbirth can do a number down there for most women, but don’t worry you will heal, and feel normal again, we promise you that much.

Clinical studies have show links between perineal injuries during childbirth, the risk of incontinence, and reduced sexual function – so you want to look after this area pre & post baby.

Most women (9 out of 10 actually) suffer from some sort of perineum tearing during vaginal childbirth. Don’t let this number scare you, there are things you can do to lower the risks.

Perineal massages has been clinically proven to lower the risk of tearing, and also reduces the risk of the most severs types of tears by nearly 20% (according to the NHS). So here at NAYDAYA we believe this massage is worth it!

Just in case there is any confusion, your perineum is that piece of skin between your vagina and bottom. This little piece of skin is going a get a full workout during childbirth, so it is best you go prepared.

Don’t forget about this area after child birth, the same perineal massage has been proven to loosen out scar tissue formed, help with dryness, tightness, it boosts skin collagen and encourages elasticity of the skin.

So how do you do it?

At 34 weeks, you are normally a little uncomfortable, and it can be hard to reach down there, so lie down somewhere comfortable, get a mirror, and get someone to help if you can 😊

  1. Make sure you have Victory Oil handy
  2. Ensure your hands, or partners hands are nice and clean
  3. Lie on your back, bringing you knees together towards your chest, and then open your knees like a book
  4. Using your thumbs, insert them into your vagina and then place your forefingers on the skin of your perineum. You now need to stretch this skin gently by moving your fingers from the middle of your vagina outwards, it shouldn't hurt so if you feel a burning sensation you've stretched too far
  5. Imagine your finger is sweeping like a clock hand from 3 to 9 o’clock
  6. Massage upwards as you gently stretch the skin and repeat for around three to five minutes and do this at least three times per week
  7. Trust us, this works!

Over time you should aim to build up the intensity and duration of the stretches

The skin & the muscles are pulled & stretched from the weight of your baby, hormones loosen the tissues, and the efforts of labour alone all cause strain on your vaginas skin & muscles.

Perineum massages PRE & POST childbirth will prepare the area, restore the skins natural elasticity, boost collagen, strengthen muscles, and hydrate the skin..

Why not try our Victory Oil.

 (we want all mamas to love and care for their vaginas proudly)