🍑 TOP 5 Vagina Changes in Pregnancy 🍑

In pregnancy, some things are a given; swollen ankles, the nausea and not forgetting our good friend insomnia at 4am in the morning (what’s with that?).
But one area that is rarely talked about is our nether regions - specifically vagina changes in pregnancy. 
Much like the rest of our body, our lady parts undergo various changes when preparing for an arrival. Some of these are hormonal, but it can also be the result of carrying extra weight.
The good news is that vagina changes in pregnancy are normal. However, since they can occur from as early as the first trimester, it’s useful to be clued up on them. From a swollen vulva, to extra discharge, here’s some of the changes to be aware of… 

Blame the hormones 😒

Hormones; they have a lot to answer to. In pregnancy, your hormones are likely to fluctuate resulting in various bodily changes. One of these is your personal odour, and by that we mean your vajayjay. Not only that, but your ‘fluids’ may also change ‘flavour’, so expect to have a different taste downstairs as well.😁
Speaking of hormones, they’re also the culprit for having more discharge than usual. The science behind this is your body trying to protect itself from infections. As a result, you may experience heavier or sticker discharge than normal – and just when you thought you didn’t have to wear a panty liner for a few months too.
With so many changes going on in your body, it’s no surprise that things might get a little itchy from time to time. This is to be excepted with the ever-changing pH levels in your vagina.

It’s all swell 🍑

Here’s a fun fact; blood volume can increase by 50 per cent when you’re expecting. A sudden rush of blood to the vagina is often the reason for being extra sensitive downstairs. That’s not all, it can even result in your vulva swelling – one of the most common reasons for women visiting a GP during pregnancy.
There’s an upside though - some women report more intense orgasms, so it’s not all bad! 💥💋

Visual changes 🧐

If you pay close attention to your vagina, you might notice a few visual changes too. This may include a bluish hue - a result of all that extra blood rushing down south. Don’t be alarmed, it’s quite normal.
At the same time, you might notice varicose veins emerging – this is one of the vagina changes in pregnancy that some women experience. Much like varicose veins in legs, it can be due to the extra weight you’re carrying. It may feel like a fullness, or even a pain that increases during physical activity. Drinking plenty of water or applying a cold compress may help. It’s a relatively common issue affecting nearly a quarter of women, quite often during the latter stages of pregnancy.

Perineum problems 💛

Better known as the perineum, the small area of skin between the vagina and anus can come to your attention around the third trimester. Thanks to your baby dropping in to position and the growing weight you’re carrying, it can lead to swelling and discomfort. Usually, the perineum starts to stretch around this time too.
This is your body’s way of preparing for childbirth. However not all women experience this. There are some must-have products on the market which can help aid elasticity, such as our Victory Oil. Use from 34 weeks onwards to help prepare this delicate area. Watch this video for a full demo 

In Summary

When you think about the transformation your body goes through during pregnancy, it’s no surprise that your vagina changes in pregnancy.
These are just some of the more common changes to expect, although every pregnancy is different and not everyone will experience these.
If you’re concerned about any changes or pains you’re experiencing, it’s advisable to visit your GP.